Henderson Hornets / Ambitious Andies / Clover Beez 4H

4-H – Emerson Area

4-H is an educational youth program provided by Iowa State University Extension. 4-H clubs are for boys and girls that are in 4th through 12th grade. Youth that are in kindergarten through 3rd grade can participate in a clover kids  Mills County currently has nine 4-H clubs that meet once a month all over the county, full of kids just like you! You can be from a farm, live in town, a rural area, or a city. Wherever you are from, whatever you are interested in, 4-H has something for you!.

In 4-H, you can learn new skills by enrolling in one of over 200 learn-by-doing project areas. Just of a few include everything from camping, beef, photography, cooking, fashion and sewing, woodworking, automotive, swine, computers, rocketry, and drawing and painting. You can make new friends and meet new families while exploring new places! Mills County 4-Hers get to enjoy special events like the Halloween party, junior camps, and the Mills County Fair!

Henderson Hornets/Ambitious Andies/Clover Beez typically meet at 5:00 pm on the 2nd Sunday of each month at Indian Creek Museum, just west of Emerson.  If you’d like to find out more, you may contact the Mills County Extension or call leader Mary Bolton at 712-370-4500.

4-H Mills Extension Information